Services & Projects
Glenlyon Consulting has worked in the following areas:
Education & Training
Goldfields Post Compulsory Education & Training/Business Alliance.
Glenlyon has been engaged by the Goldfields Shire Council to identify an appropriate model for the operation of the Goldfields Post Compulsory Education & Training/Business Alliance. The project entails us involving a range of people, groups and organisations in consultation related to the development of a model for the Goldfields Post Compulsory Education & Training/Business Alliance.
Exploring Education in Kyabram
Glenlyon has been commissioned by the government schools in Kyabram to undertake the “Exploring Education in Kyabram” project. The purpose of this project is to engage the school community and the broader Kyabram community in a collaborative process that determines school curriculum and school organisation of the future.
The aims of the project are:
1. To engage the community in a collaborative process that determines school curriculum and school organisation details.
2. To liaise with schools, the wider Kyabram community and government, to facilitate comprehensive contemplation of all viable education models for Kyabram.
3. To identify the type, relationship and location of all facilities on the school site.
4. To facilitate the development of curriculum plans that will inform architectural developments and facilities provision.
5. To canvass issues pertaining to the inclusion of kindergarten students in the future.
Central Ranges LLEN
Glenlyon was responsible for the initial development of the Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) with a focus on establishment of an incorporated body, recruitment of members, and the provision of administrative and secretarial support. As a phase 2 LLEN timelines were set for the establishment of the incorporated body. We achieved that with much hard work and attention to detail to ensure compliance with State regulations.
RACV Energy Breakthrough
John has been co-ordinating this successful major educational event since its inception in 1991. The program now involves over 5,000 students, teachers and parents from more than 250 schools from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.
Teams of students build a human powered vehicle, hybrid vehicle, pushcart or innovation in technology craft and then compete at Maryborough testing their knowledge, skills and endurance in three key areas – Design & Construction, Display & Presentation and Endurance Trial.
East Gippsland Student Support Services
In 2003 Glenlyon Rural Education and Employment Services was commissioned by the East Gippsland District Management Board (DMB) to undertake a review of student support services provided to schools located in East Gippsland. The project examined the range of student services available, identified the challenges faced in the provision of these services and assessed the impact on schools and students in the area.
Lakes Entrance Secondary College – Time to Bridge the Gap
A review of the Future Provision of Post Compulsory education and training by the Lakes Entrance Secondary College (LESC). This work involved tracking exit students for the past five years, interviewing past and present students of LESC, interviewing staff and personnel from other community based agencies in the area and developing recommendations on future provision strategies.
Ararat 2000
A review of the University of Ballarat - School of Education joint project with the Department of Education, Employment and Training (Central Highlands/Wimmera Region) providing final year teacher education students with an extended experience of teaching and living in a country town, namely Ararat.
Community Development
Hepburn Regional Tourist Association
David and John worked on the establishment of the Hepburn Regional Tourism Association (RTA), developing the proposed structure, negotiating with stakeholder groups regarding their participation and convening the initial meetings of the Interim Committee. RTA’s are an initiative of Tourism Victoria and they are important in leading sustainable tourism development at a local level through setting and implementing strategies over a 3-year period.
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
This project involved the development and implementation of a consultative process that reviewed the existing operational procedures and then facilitated the adoption of an integrated service delivery model, with a strong customer focus. This involved working with a number of partner organisations (Department of Primary Industry (DPI) and Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), community Landcare groups and other key stakeholder groups (local government and VFF).
Country Education Project (CEP)
Both John and David have had a long association with the Country Education Project at local and State levels. This has involved a wide range of activities including project development, consultation and negotiation with a range of personnel in education, rural school communities and other agencies operating in rural areas.
Kyneton Community & Learning Centre
This work involved working with Committee staff, students and volunteers and contact with various agencies, including ACFE and Department of Human Services.
Strengthening Goldfields Project
This project involved working with the Central Goldfields community to identify gaps in service provision, conduct community audits and conduct community forums with a view to developing a number of priority projects for funding from the Department of Family and Community Services. We prepared the submission based on the projects identified through the consultative processes, which were supported by the Federal Government with a grant of $150,000.
Regional Connectivity Project
This project involved the documentation of the development and implementation of the Regional Connectivity Project. Each of the thirteen participating communities were visited and case studies describing their developmental processes were prepared. The final report describes the history of the project, identifies key characteristics that are critical to the success of the project and how the co-operative approach at the local, regional and state levels has contributed to the project.
Victorian Young Farmers (Inc.)
Glenlyon Rural Education and Employment Services worked with the Victorian Young Farmers (VYF) to prepare submissions for a statewide Leadership proposal, a special project for north west Victoria aimed at increasing participation levels of young people from rural communities and a core grant from the Department of State and Regional Development. We also developed a media and promotional campaign kit for the VYF which they will use to increase their profile within the broader community.
Australian Local Government Association – Working With Native Title Workshops
This work involved working with the developers of the practical guides “Working with Native Title” and “Working out Agreements” to develop comprehensive training materials that could be used to explain and promote the guides to potential user groups throughout Australia. The workshop materials consisted of a explanatory notes, overheads, a range of participant activities and clear understandings of both content and processes.
Sport Development
AFL - National Umpire’s Coach Professional Development Program
We have developed and will be conducting a national professional development program for umpire’s coaches. The twelve month program which includes a number of interactive workshops, is intended to identify issues which coaches will work on during the period with support and assistance from local networks which we will assist to establish and develop.
AFL - National Umpires Accreditation Scheme
Glenlyon worked with a project reference group to review the existing National Umpires Accreditation Scheme (NUAS) and develop changes that aimed to make the scheme more effective as a training program that had national consistency and improved delivery strategies for community football umpire coaches.
Sports Medicine Australia
Glenlyon was commissioned to undertake and lead a research project which examined the feasibility of the establishment of a sports injury surveillance system that could be used within community sport. This project then went onto a trial development phase in which Glenlyon then provided consultancy advice and assistance.
Australian Sports Commission - Administrator Education Program
We produced an Education Program for State Sporting Organisations (SSO), Local Sporting Organisations (LSO) and club administrators, “the decision makers”, that addressed the behaviour and competency strategies identified for the Year of the Official.
Professional Golfers Association – Train the Trainer
This program was designed to assist and support Golf Club professionals to improve their training and mentoring skills.
The program was conducted flexibly, at their location and with them choosing the relevant assessment tasks with their trainee.
Australian Institute of Sport – Golf – Education Program
This work has involved the development and delivery of the education program to Golf scholarship holders with AIS. The key topics included in the program are Team Building, Communication, Career Planning and Financial Planning. The program involves three camps per year and fortnightly sessions with the squad.
Research & Development
Glenlyon has extensive experience in undertaking research and analysis. Work in this area includes:
Country Education Project P-12 Research
Glenlyon was appointed as the ‘Research Partner’ for this project supported by the Department of Education and Training. The role was to provide research expertise, advice and assistance to the Country Education Project in the planning and implementation of the P-12 Education project.
Central Ranges Local Learning & Employment Network Environmental Scan
This work involved undertaking research on behalf of the Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network and produce informative reports that help inform their future work and planning. We consulted with a range of local communities and organisations serving communities in the Central Ranges area. These groups included:
- Education providers
- Training providers
- Key industry groups
- Adult and Further education providers
- Employment agencies
Hepburn Shire Adult and Community Education Cluster
This project was a study into the literacy and further education needs of people living in the Hepburn Shire conducted on behalf of the Hepburn Shire Adult and Community Education Cluster. It involved extensive consultation with community groups and organisations, the analysis of responses and the preparation of a final report with recommendations and future program directions.
Doug Lindsay Reserve
Glenlyon Rural Education and Employment Services was commissioned in December 2003 by the Hepburn Shire Council to provide advice on the future development of Doug Lindsay Reserve, including advice on the strategic development of an indoor sports centre. This work involved consulting with sporting and community groups in the Creswick area, examining development options and preparing costs for these options.
Hepburn Shire Council Playground Development Strategy
This work involved the preparation of a playground development strategy for the Shire including play equipment at reserves, pre-schools, kindergartens and Council run childcare centres.
Young People Living in Rural Australia in the 1990’s
Research under the heading Challenges and resilience factors for young people living in rural Australia in the 1990s was commissioned by the Commonwealth Departments of Health and Family Services and of Primary Industry to provide a theoretical overview from the available literature of issues facing young people in rural Australia. These issues were then tested on the ground within focus groups conducted in rural areas of Victoria and NSW. A further research report drawing on this research was prepared: Young People Living in Rural Australia in the 1990s.
Kid’s Under Cover (KUC) with Youth Research Centre (Melbourne University)
- This project involved a review of the KUC operations and examined:
- • the impact of the program on the situation of homeless young people;
- • the appropriateness of the program for young people, welfare agencies, State Government and other stakeholders; and
- • the processes by which the program seeks to achieve its objectives.
Rural & Remote School Education
The Youth Research Centre at the University of Melbourne was commissioned by the Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission to conduct the survey as part of their Inquiry into Rural & Remote School Education. The survey sought input from individuals (parents, students and teachers) not otherwise reached by the Inquiry.
North Industry Education Board
John was part of the Youth Research Centre team that conducted an Evaluation of the New Apprenticeship Program (NAP) for the Northern Industry Education Board in the Shepparton region of Victoria in 1999.
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